Ironbark Ridge Public School

Strength, Respect, Excellence

Telephone02 8814 5687

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions


We thought we would post some of the most frequently asked questions and answers on here.  If you think of any others please let us know.


How do I get newsletters and notes?

Newsletters are posted on the website out on Friday afternoon each fortnight and then links are sent to you through the 'app' and on the Facebook page.  They are usually sent via email by your Class Contact as well.  Notes  are available on the website.


Where do I get information about canteen, uniform, fundraising etc?

The P&C has a Facebook page and this area on the IRPS website.  These contain everything you will need relating to the P&C including uniform shop opening times and order forms, fundraising notices, minutes of meetings, committee contact details etc.  Where possible please check the website before calling the school.


I have heard about assemblies.  When are they on?

Assemblies are alternate weeks, ie. group A and group B on a Wednesday.  You will be notified when it is your child's assembly. Assembly is 2:00-2:45 and you are welcome to attend.  Each class will run assembly 1 time a year and the kids would love to see you there. 


Where can I help?

  • Volunteer for canteen

  • Volunteer in the uniform shop

  • Join the Events Committee

  • Cover books for the library or school

  • Be a classroom helper - see your teacher

  • Become a volunteer parent

  • Join the P&C



This is a continual problem at our school and is an ongoing issue.  Consider walking to school or using the bus.  Staggered drop off / pick up times also helps alleviate congestion at peak times. Please park safely and use the crossing if needed.

How Do I get a Bus Pass?

Application forms are available from the office. All K-2 Children are entitled to a free bus pass.  Year 3 and over refer to


When are P&C Meetings?

They are  held the 2nd Wednesday of each month (refer to the website for more details).


What If I need to drop my child off before 8.30 or can not be there by 3.00?

Teacher supervision commences from 8.30am and ends at 3pm. Your child will need to be enrolled in KTOOSH Before and After School Care if you are unable to pick up or drop off at these times. 


What do working people do in the holidays?

KTOOSH offer vacation care (refer above)


When is the Canteen open?

5 days a week


Do I get to go to swimming, athletics and cross country carnivals?

Yes you are more than welcome to go and watch.


When is sport?

This is year specific.  Notes will come home regarding sports days.


Do I get to go on excursions?

Generally no.  If parents are needed they will be approached by teachers.


What do I do if my child is late, away or needs to leave early?

If your child is absent please advise the reason on the Sentral app.  If your child is going to be away for more than 9 days you need to complete an application form which is available from the office.  If your child is late they need to present to the office for a late note.  If you are picking up your child early you need to present at the office to get your child signed out. The office will organise for your child to come to the office.

What do I do if I have a problem?

Talk to your class teacher first. You can contact the office where arrangements for a meeting will be made.  It is best to discuss the issue up front instead of letting it get out of hand. For more serious issues please speak to the stage supervisor who will help you with the issue.



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