Ironbark Ridge Public School

Strength, Respect, Excellence

Telephone02 8814 5687

Positive behaviour for learning

Positive behaviour for learning (PBL) is a pro-active school system teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create a positive school environment.

PBL helps establish systems, practices and a data-aware culture that can maximise benefits for students, teachers and the community.

At Ironbark Ridge PS we are fortunate to have the amazing Ridgy the Frog showing us The Ironbark Way, always setting the example as a...





It promotes positive student behaviour by building student leadership capacity and teachers' knowledge, understanding and skills in applying effective school-wide behaviour systems.

Our School Behaviour Support & Management Plan has been developed with PBL as the central system to ensure  consistency with NSW DoE policy, and ongoing focus on maximising learning and personal growth in every student at Ironbark Ridge PS.

PBL helps to deliver the highest quality learning programs to improve student academic and behavioural learning outcomes.

It does this with:

  • consistent school-wide discipline practices

  • instruction in social skills

  • self-regulation strategies for students

  • improved behavioural interventions in the classrooms

  • active supervision in all areas of the school.

At Ironbark Ridge Public School we have worked diligently to establish and embed the above practices as part of our school culture.

We will be providing regular information about PBL in our newsletters. Just ask your child what our school rules, or expectations, are. Also ask them what they can do to be safe, be responsible or be respectful.